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Camera:Chang Yungho, Wang Jianwei, Yang Fudong

Author/Editor: Stephanie Meseguer Laurent GUTIERREZ/HOU Hanru
Publisher: Musee d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris
Publish Date: 2003
ISBN: 2-87900-758-5
Page Num: 66
Languages: English French
This is the catalogue for a joint exhibition of two Chinese video artists, Wang Jianwei and Yang Fudong, and a Chinese architect, Chang Yungho. Together, they look at the issues of identity and living in an urban environment through art. Artist biographies are provided. With preface by Laurence Bosse.
Series: 000771
Code: J121.9-EC
Location: WB-VIP room
Related Artists: YANG Fudong |
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