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Birdhead - Welcome to Birdhead world again Zurich
Solo Exhibition Zurich, Switzerland
Date: 06.04, 2016 - 07.15, 2016

Artists: BIRDHEAD 鸟头

Opening, June 3, from 6 p.m.
Exhibition dates June 4 through July 15
Opening hours Wednesday through Friday 2 p.m.– 6 p.m.
Saturday 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Galerie & Edition Stephan Witschi
Zwinglistrasse 12
CH-8004 Zürich
0041 44 242 37 27

The artists Song Tao and Ji Weiyu live in Shanghai and have been working together under the name Birdhead
since 2004. In their photographic compositions they reflect their perception and emotions as witnesses of
the breakneck change of their home town. The works of Birdhead have been shown a.o. in Shanghai, Oslo,
Tokio, Chicago, Manchester, and Hong Kong. They were represented at the Venice Biennale in 2011 and in
the “New Photography 2012” exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. In the context of the Art
Basel 2016 an installation of the two artists will be on display at the UNLIMITED.
Birdhead are present in the collections of the Tate (London), the Astrup Fearnley Museum (Oslo), the
Museum of Modern Art (New York) and the Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation (Switzerland). This is their
first soloshow in Switzerland. In cooperation wirth ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai.
Curated by Barbara Liebster

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Installation view


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