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个展 第10届亚洲国际艺术展,国家博物馆艺廊,新加坡
日期: 08.04, 1995

More Locations:
新加坡艺术 ‘95,新达城,新加坡 八月 11, 1995
参展艺术家: TANG Da Wu 唐大雾
Tang Da Wu approaching then-President of Singapore Ong Teng Cheong at Singapore Art ‘95. Courtesy of Tang Da Wu, photography by Chua Chye Teck

Don't Give Money to the Arts was a performance art intervention at two exhibition openings in 1995, one week apart from each other - the 10th Asian International Arts Exhibition and the Singapore Art '95. Of the two, the latter one is more prominent due to the artist's interaction with then-President One Teng Cheong, who is unknowingly involved in the artist's performance.

Performing this intervention at a period of time where public funding towards performance art has just been ceased the year before, the artist sought to make a compelling statement about governmental support towards the art through this captivating act.



Tang Da Wu’s Audacious Performance ‘Don’t Give Money to the Arts’ | Frieze


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