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味道 , 好的, 坏的, 和贵的
日期: 07.09, 2011 - 10.09, 2011

参展艺术家: ZHOU Tiehai 周铁海 | 

Invitation to the opening I Friday, July 8th I 6 p.m.
From July 9th  to October 9th , 2011 I Free admission every Friday

With works by John Bock, Aristarkh Chernyshev und Alexei Shulgin, Constant, Poul Gernes, Katharina Grosse, Richard Hamilton, M/M (Paris), Josephine Meckseper, Martin Parr, Anselm Reyle, Daniela Rossell, Andy Warhol, Zhou Tiehai together with historical paintings by Oswald Achenbach, Etienne Allegrain, Gaspard Dughet-Poussin, Anselm Feuerbach, Ferdinand Kobell, Carl Kuntz, Johann Christian Reinhart, Carl Rottmann, Maximilian Joseph Schinnagl, Johann Wilhelm Schirmer, Christian Georg Schütz

Invitation to the opening I Friday, July 8th I 6 p.m.
From July 9th  to October 9th , 2011 I Free admission every Friday

The exhibition TASTE – the good, the bad, and the really expensive deals with the question whether common categories of taste are still useful and what significance they have in contemporary art. In the past Generations of artists have tried to influence society with new ideals of beauty. The exhibition TASTE is devoted to works that challenge the idealistic belief in the moral and social values of aesthetic forms and norms. Chronologically the exhibition starts with an excursion to the time around 1800, when landscape painting was not merely meant to convey pleasure, but also to set moral values. Furthermore the exhibition offers insights into the architectural concepts of the Dutch artist Constant with architectural designs from the 1960′s.

The main focus of the exhibition pertains to the perspectives of contemporary artists such as Katharina Grosse, Josephine Meckseper, Martin Parr or Anselm Reyle. Born in 1966 in Shanghai, Zhou Tiehai presents 160 small-format paintings with a spectrum of motifs, ranging from sweets to naked girls butts. Andy Warhol's legendary film "Camp" is also on show at the Kunsthalle: a parody in which actors from the artist’s circle of friends recite poems by Allen Ginsberg and satirical opera performances. John Bock’s staging reflects the specific mechanisms of the fashion industry with 53 unusual and absurd fashion creations. He suggests that taste has become now more than ever a category of commercial usability of visual signs.

Join us to celebrate the opening of the new exhibition program at the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden. State Secretary Jürgen Walter (Member of the Landtag) will welcome you and the new director Johan Holten will hold an introduction to the exhibition.

With works by John Bock, Aristarkh Chernyshev und Alexei Shulgin, Constant, Poul Gernes, Katharina Grosse, Richard Hamilton, M/M (Paris), Josephine Meckseper, Martin Parr, Anselm Reyle, Daniela Rossell, Andy Warhol, Zhou Tiehai together with historical paintings by Oswald Achenbach, Etienne Allegrain, Gaspard Dughet-Poussin, Anselm Feuerbach, Ferdinand Kobell, Carl Kuntz, Johann Christian Reinhart, Carl Rottmann, Maximilian Joseph Schinnagl, Johann Wilhelm Schirmer, Christian Georg Schütz


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