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Images and Words: Since Magritte Era
Group Exhibition The National Art Museum of China, Beijing
Date: 12.22, 2012 - 01.14, 2013

Artists: SHEN Fan 申凡 |  XUE Song 薛松 |  ZHOU Tiehai 周铁海 | 

The exhibition of "Images and Words" focuses on a special subject in modern and contemporary time,namely the relationship between words (including writing) and plastic art (including its development vein) established by the artists. The attention for this subject can be traced back to December of 1929; the illustrations and pictures filled article "Words and Images" wrote by Magritte on and continues till now. We can find certain trail in the forefront of modern art exploration.

In this exhibition, we will review the different art schools and trends rooted in Wallon-Brussel region. Among the different art schools and trends, what intersected is modeling thinking and literature thinking, the attention to the signified and interpretation to the signifier, visual poem and theorized picture, language and art, text and situation.

From Magritte, surrealism to Cobra group, Broodthaers to the creation of concept art and mixed media, we can see the rich possibilities contained in the course of meaning presenting by the artists. This richness reflects in the unending tension between images and words, form and thinking, writing and art trend, poetic language and its modeling and extends to the contemporary creating and getting richer.

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