ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

From Inside the Body
multi-channel video
3 Channel
8 minutes 32 seconds
Edition of 5 + 2AP

In “From Inside the Body” (1999) viewers sit before three video monitors in a room outfitted with a single couch: The central screen shows the same couch, empty; the left-hand screen shows a man, and the right-hand screen, a woman. While the middle image remains static, the man and the woman begin to sniff the air, as if suddenly aware of an aroma. They smell themselves, stripping off their clothes to locate the source of this intoxicating scent. Finally, in their underwear, they walk off camera only to reappear together on the central screen, where they sit on the couch and start to sniff each other. During the course of the video piece, an aroma is released in the room, as if inviting viewers to mimic the actions on-screen.

Detail pictures:

Related Exhibitions:
Our Future, UCCA, Beijing 07.19, 2008 -10.12, 2008
Art for Sale, Shanghai Plaza, Shanghai 04.10, 1999 -04.25, 1999

UCCA Foundation

Related Texts:
From Inside the Body TEXT 2008

Related Works:
From inside the body