ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

Tonight Moon (Jin Wan De Yue Liang)
multi-channel video
Video installation (1 overhead projector, 24 small black and white TV sets, 6 big TV sets)
5 minutes 34 seconds
Edition of 3 + 1AP

One big screen, showing a video 6 minutes long.
On the screen are 24 holes through which small tv sets show videos
from 6 to 10 minutes long each.
6 TV sets stand on the side of the main screen
showing videos from 7 to 10 minutes long.

In “Tonight Moon” (2000) expressionless men in suits amuse themselves by playing around in boats, swimming, and hiding behind trees in scenes set in a garden. The scenes appear to be daydreams. Yang says that he choose to create this affect after noticing the way people playing in gardens tend to give free rein to their imagination and enter their own fantasy world. The arched gateway represents the border between the real world and the other, enchanted land beyond. In the actual installation, a number of small monitors are embedded in a large screen onto which an image of the garden is projected, each depicting men swimming naked.

Detail pictures: