ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

single-channel video
4 minutes 11 seconds
Edition of 6

Half naked young man is dragging vehemently. The mysterious power is inside the door: harvest in darkness and extreme tiredness of heart and body is endless. You can't let all this go.The   invisible power that you are attempting to oppose or compete is in the other end of the rope but which controls you. You don't know what you are going to lose or gain. There is no result about the darkness. You probably know nothing. Regarding to life, you have to stay here.

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Related Exhibitions:
Loneliness II, eBoard, Congress Center Basel, Switzerland 10.03, 2021 -06.03, 2022
Embodied Mirror: Performances in Chinese Video Art, New Century Art Foundation, Beijing 05.22, 2020 -08.30, 2020
Montevideo Biennale, Montevideo, Uruguay 09.25, 2014 -12.06, 2014
Landscape: the Virtual, the Actual, the Possible?, Times Museum, Guangzhou 05.27, 2014 -07.27, 2014
Hysteria, Metaphorical and Metonymical Life-World, A4 Contemporary Arts Center, Chengdu 10.27, 2013 -12.27, 2013
Moving Image in China: 1988-2011, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai 09.09, 2011 -11.27, 2011
ShanghART Beijing Summer Group Show, ShanghART Beijing, Beijing 08.01, 2011 -08.23, 2011


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