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Let's Go Up and Take a Look?

Author: Chen Tong 2006

Zhu Jia's works are always presented as fantasies and inventions. Like tie a camera on the bike's wheel or put the camera in fridge. These practices let him avoid to be a story telling artist, while the way of story telling through cameras has gradually became a genre of contemporary art. But this time, he is going to explore the possibility of narrative art through his recent works that combined sketches and photography. This shows his idea of getting back to drawing and who can say that this is not about narration? When Zhu Jia talks to me about this new work, he emphasis that it is pointed to reality.  And the people, the cars......"we go up to take a look" they all seem to lead us to a story. (Fortunately they remain on the level of cell phone messages or chat room on internet, and these are the only conversations that could be hear clearly that are from the two people of his work) The emotional reaction in this work is also the reality base of our present days. It is been presented straightly, and the audience who like the roundabout ways are going to be disappointed. "Is this it?",  yes this is it, and what should it be? When they see a rolling wheel and some unreal realities without information, people start to realize that this is not the reality that we want. We could think of all we can think about, but could do nothing. This is such a tragedy in a way.

When we not satisfied with the equivocation absence in Zhu Jia's work, we get back to his title. Video is not important, there are many other things that are more important.

From 《Day Dream》

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