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Hipic User License Agreement


Hipic User License Agreement  
By signing up you have agreed to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

Welcome to use this interactive public website, please read carrefully and follow the terms hereinafter to guarantee law and order, as well as civil tranquility:

1. This website should not be used to threat the country security or divulge State's secrets. It should not infringe upon country's society and civil rights. This website should not be used to produce,reproduce or diffuse information related to:
a) Rebellion, laws and administrative rules violation.
b) Subversion against country's political power, overthrow of socialism institution
c) Country's division.
d) National hostility or discrimination, and breach of national unity.
e) Reality distortion or falsification, rumours dissemination,disturbance of society functionary
f) Propragation of superstitions or any other topics related to depravity, erotism, gamble,murder, terrorisme, sects,or criminal acts.
g) Public insults or calumny against an individual.
h) Damage of national reputation
i) Other violations against the Constitutions or laws
j) Commercial advertisement without permission
2. Users should preserve mutual respect and are responsible for their acts and speech.

3. It is prohibited to sign up with a username comprising any vocabulary related to this website or insults, calumnies, subject to be deleted.

4. It is prohibited to use this website on nefarious acts purposes

5. If the user is involved in any activities violating country's laws, this website will not be blamed: user registration information will all be recorded and provided to any related official organization if necessary.  


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