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Move on Asia: Clash and Network.Single Channel Video Art Festival 2006

Author/Editor: Jinsuk Suh/Ji Yoon Yang
Publisher: Yellow Sea Publication
Publish Date: 2006
Page Num: 279
Languages: English Korean
Move on Asia: Single Channel Video Art Festival 2006 consists an exhibition of video works by 22 artists from 6 countries and the international symposium Clash and Network, which aims to offer an analytic scope on various aspects of today's globalized culture and arts. The present catalogue provides a compilation of papers presented at the symposium by scholars, cultural workers, artists and curators. (Then AAA Korean researcher Iris Moon presented her paper on the Asia Art Archive.) With images of works, selected biographies of artists, curators and speakers.
Series: 000136
Code: J111.9-EC
Location: WB-2-10E
Related Artists: HU Jieming | LIANG Yue | LU Chunsheng |
Related Exhibitions: Move on Asia |
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