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Raw Beneath the Mask

Author/Editor: Britta ERICKSON/PI Li
Publisher: ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai
Publish Date: 2001
Page Num: 0
Languages: Chinese English
In the paintings produced between 1999 and 2001, Zeng Fanzhi has begun to take off the masks from his protagonists. Simple props and companionship have also been removed from the canvas. The artist is now featuring single figures. By focusing on their facial expression and their pose, and through the use of a more painterly technique, Zeng brings to the fore the emotional quality of his characters and through this, exposes his own doubts and anxiety towards human existence. The works illustrated in this exhibition catalogue represent a new stage in the evolving psychological journey of the artist.
Series: 002860
Code: J121.2-AC
Location: HKL-2-11E
Related Artists: ZENG Fanzhi |
Related Exhibitions: Raw Beneath the Mask |
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