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Artissima Cinema, Shanghype! , Portrait of the City from Dawn to Dusk
Film Festival Mirafiori Motor Village, Turin, Italy
Date: 11.09, 2007 - 11.11, 2007

Artists: Huang Kui 黄奎 | 吞图 |  LIANG Yue 梁玥 |  SONG Tao 宋涛 |  XU Zhen 徐震 |  YANG Fudong 杨福东 |  YANG Zhenzhong 杨振中 |  ZHANG Ding 张鼎 | 

Curated by Davide Quadrio, BizArt/Arthub, Shanghai
portrait of the city from dawn to dusk

International Fair of Contemporary Art in Turin
9 – 11 November 2007, Lingotto Fiere

Mirafiori Motor Village
Friday, November 9, 7.00 p.m. - Preview of the project and conference

Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Mole Antonelliana
Saturday, November 10,  h. 9.00 – 1.00 p.m. – Video Review

Artissima 14 – Cinebus
Sunday, November 11, h. 11.00 a.m. – 8.00 p.m. - Video review

The first event of Artissima Cinema, devoted this year to the city of Shanghai with a review of videos by a group of international artists, will take place at Mirafiori Motor Village, on November 9: preview of the project and conference “The OFF story of the contemporary art revolution in Shanghai.”

Alexander Brandt and Davide Quadrio will offer an untold vision of Shanghai. A journey through three exhibitions that have made their mark in the Shanghai art-world. A group of artists who challenged the city of Shanghai from the suburbs. Pictures from the city’s past, when negotiations with the government for a “proper” visibility were at the heart of the art work of an avant-garde group headed by Xu Zhen, Yang Zhenzhong and Alexander Brandt, supported by BizArt.  “Art for sale”, 1999 : “Fang Mingzhen and Fang Mingshu”, 2004; “Solo exhibition”, 2006. Shanghai’s aspiration and desire to once again become the legendary place it once was, the need to be an international and modern China, together with the idea of power which Shanghai is seeking between local identity and globalisation: these are the themes to be explored through a collage of documents, catalogues and documentaries.

A part and backdrop of this evening will be the presentation of, an image for all time: an online project as a place of the ephemeral, where a photo sums up in 1 minute the need for vision before disappearing into a cybernetic void: forever.  Art without an artist, art without economic value, art that disappears and re-appears, the quest for attention and observation, knowing that this is the sole possibility in the world and the only simultaneous moment in the world. Hipic, a democratic archive location with no hope for the future, is very fitting in the case of today’s China, with specific reference to Shanghai: this idea of the continuous move towards something else, with no past and possibly no idea of the future either – this impertinent, optimistic and flattering present that leaves no time other than for a cursory glance at reality, like so many others: totally useless.

Saturday, November 10 during the contemporary arts night, the spectacular building of Museo del Cinema will host a selection of art videos devoted to Shanghai including new works produced especially for the event.

“The years fly by in Shanghai and each month changes the one that follows. In just a few years, we went from technological pre-history to the digital era. LED screen and LCDs are everywhere – in taxis and skyscraper lobbies, in the subway and on entire facades of buildings, or on huge screens taken out at night on barges on the river Pujiang, so bright that you just cannot help but look at them. What I’m trying to get across in this latest version of Shanghai is its inevitable contradictions, for it is bent through the eyes of artists until it becomes a fictitious, distorted reality that nevertheless conceals extravagant details somewhere in between poetry and drama, revealing once again the true face of Shanghai.” (Davide Quadrio)

We will see the Shanghai through the eyes of local artists such as Zhang Ding, Liang Yue and Song Tao and the well-known video by Yang Fudong, Robber-south, 2001; the animation video by Melanie Jackson Made in China; a multimedia installation, The Next Second, be Alexander Brandt, a German artist who lives in Shanghai. And more: the video clip Hero by David Cotterrell, the historic Shouting video of 1998 by Xu Zhen, Yang Zhenzhong’s work subtitled Na Xiong Na Er: the city as a phallus, in which architecture is no more than space snatched away from the sky.

The city then decomposes into an avalanche of pictures without a guiding thread: Huang Kui’s Go away, Pierrre Giner’s latest creation and the Mattia Matteucci+Patrick Tuttofuoco duo with The Green Sky. The review starts and ends with Olivo Barbieri’s A silent story and Riverscape #1 Night, China Shanghai 07.

Sunday, November 11 during the opening hours of the Fair, the public will have the opportunity to review the artists videos in an unusual location: a special bus parked in front Artissima pavilion, the ideal finale of an amazing and fascinating urban trip in the true Shanghai, the Shanghai beyond dazzling lights, “the city of the people who live there and who trade their own survival.”

October 30, 2007



9 - 11 November 2007
11 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Lingotto Fiere, Turin
Vernissage November 8, 2007


Artissima takes place in Turin, Italy, from the 8th to 10th of November, 2007. A project by Andrea Bellini, director of the Fair from 2007, Artissima 14 is a window on emerging art worldwide. 131 galleries from 17 countries: a launch-pad for the best research in the field of visual arts on an international scale. The galleries will be showing outstanding works by both renowned established artists and cutting-edge newcomers. The New Artissima is a marketplace of the highest quality, but it is also a flexible tool, a container of art exhibitions, parties and crossover events. At the Fair, together with the traditional booths, there will also be two sections -- Constellations and Present Future -- designed as authentic exhibitions.

PRESENT FUTURE is a special section of the Fair in collaboration with illycaff?¨, which will include this year 15 projects by artists emerging on the national and international art scene, selected by a team of three curators: Cecilia Alemani, art critic and independent curator, New York; Luca Cerizza, curator BSI Collection and art critic, Berlin; Raimundas Malasauskas, curator Artists Space, New York / Advisor, California College of Arts, San Francisco. Present Future will introduce an exciting new feature for Artissima 14: the artists have been invited to display their works in a separate and independent area devoted exclusively to this section, designed like a real exhibition, enhancing the dialogue between the works whilst creating an itinerary with constant and stimulating surprises. During the Fair, a jury composed by Corinne Diserens, Director, MUSEION, Bolzano, Francesco Manacorda, Curator, Barbican Art Gallery, London, and Susan Pfeffer, Curator, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin will meet to assign the illy Present Future Award to the most significant work. The winning artist will receive a 10,000-euro prize from the event partner, illy, and will have the opportunity to present a design for the a??illy Art Collectiona?ˇ of auteur coffee cups

CONSTELLATIONS is devoted to large museum-quality works, exhibited for the first time at Artissima in a museum-style exhibition. 10 artworks from more than 90 projects submitted by the galleries taking part in the Fair have been selected by Daniel Birnbaum, Director of Portikus, Frankfurt, and Marc-Olivier Wahler, Director of of Palais de Tokyo, Paris.

NEW ENTRIES will present 17 emerging avant-garde galleries from 8 countries at the Fair for the first time, selected by the Board of Directors and Consulting Committee of Artissima. The Guido Carbone Award, devoted to the galleries taking part in this section, will be assigned by an international Jury that will consider, as a primary selection criterion, the work of research and promotion of young artists carried on by galleries. The jury is composed by Fabio Cavallucci, Director, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea, Trento / Coordinator, Manifesta 7, Vasif Kortun, Director, Platform Garanti, Istanbul / Founding director Project Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art, Anton Vidokle, Artist, curator, founder and director of e-flux, New York, and Laura Viale, jurya?˙s permanent member on behalf of the Award Promoting Committee.

The VIDEO LOUNGE, curated by Cecilia Alemani, is devoted to the latest trends and the most recent creations of artists who work with film, video and animation. Mixing together documentaries, visions and digital perceptions of about sixty international artists, the Video Lounge opens a window onto the world of contemporary art, guiding the audience on a journey through possible worlds and new landscapes of imagination. The program revolves around the themes of a??War, Peace, and Ecstasya?ˇ which have been chosen as the key concepts for an exploration of todaya?˙s art. The artists have been selected among those working the galleries taking part in Artissima.

The SEMINAR ON CURATORIAL PRACTICE, curated by M?¥ns Wrange (CuratorLab, Konstfack, Stockholm) consists in two days of intense debate and dialogue, with the participation of twelve leading international curators and artists: Ute Meta Bauer, Luca Cerizza, Caroline Corbetta, Meg Cranston, Joshua Decter, Ronald Jones, Yu Yeon Kim, Vasif Kortun, Marysia Lewandowska, Francesco Manacorda, Chus Martinez, Anton Vidokle. Three emerging curators from Colombia, Ethiopia and India will be guest speakers at the seminar, in cooperation with illycaff??, thus offering evidence of the new frontiers of contemporary art: Meskerem Assegued, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Mariangela Mendez Prencke, Bogot? , Colombia, Suman Gopinath,
Bangalore, India.

Artissima will also extend beyond the borders of the fair, exploring the city and its most significant centers of artistic and cultural production.

ARTISSIMA CINEMA will present a??Shanghype!a?ˇ, a video program featuring the new chinese art scene, curated by Davide Quadrio, BizArt/Arthub, Shanghai.

ARTISSIMA VOLUME is a high-impact performances and events with the participation of some of the greatest names in neo-avantgarde music, curated by Nero magazine, Roma.

ARTISSIMA COMICS is an anthological exhibition of GIPI, one of the most notorious Italian cartoonists within the international art scene, curated by Daniele Ratti and Sergio Pignatone, Torino.

NIGHT OF CONTEMPORARY ART - As part of the project a??Contemporary Arts Torino Piemontea?ˇ, and on the occasion of Artissima, museums, foundations, and art institutions will propose openings and exhibitions of international appeal whilst the streets of Turin will be illuminated by Luci da?˙artista, light installations designed by artists. The a??night of contemporary arta?ˇ on Saturday the 10th will feature special openings of galleries, museums and other art spaces, concerts and performances throughout the city, followed by a closing party in collaboration with Club to Club, The International Festival of Electronic Music and Arts.

For additional information and the complete list of galleries, please visit our website

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