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Liang Yue: Intermittent
2016-02-25 17:19


Opening: 5th March 2016, 4pm- 6pm.
Duration: 6th March 2016 – 7th April 2016, 11am – 6pm (Closed on Monday)
Address: ShanghART Beijing, 261 Cao Chang Di, Old Airport Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Contact: | + 86 10 6432 3202

ShanghART Beijing is pleased to present Liang Yue’s solo exhibition Intermittent on 5th March, 2016. It's Liang Yue's first solo exhibition in ShanghART Beijing. This exhibition will display 13 pieces of video works and three groups of photographs. In the space, audiences will find two interacted clues: one is intermittency and the other one is fleeting of life. These two clues constitute a power field of shadow, image and sound. The exhibition will last until 7th April, 2016.

In this exhibition, seemingly quiet videos and photographs present the artist’s sensitivity about living creatures and images of vitality, capturing live and energetic activities. Insects around the big tree at dusk, baby fishes in sparkling river in spring, epiphyllum painfully but beautifully blossoming in silence and so on, all show the aesthetics of the artist’s video works and photographs: seemingly static images are always full of vigor and viability.  

Video language is extremely limited in Liang’s video works. The artist constantly simplifies and refines her artistic creation. In recent practice, Liang develops her exhibition languages. Through setting the video works in specific space, the artist creates connections between visual and meanings among works. Therefore, in this show, Liang accomplishes in setting up a kind of constellation exhibition languages rather than merely the specific video installation or exhibition. The artist always waits and hunts her elements in the nature and human environment without attention, purpose and publicity, thereby accomplishing the significance of video and waiting and declaring her attitude of the world and art.

Liang Yue was born in Shanghai in 1979. She graduated from the Shanghai Art Academy in 2001. Today she lives and works in Shanghai. Recent exhibitions include LIANG Yue: Intermittent, ShanghART Beijing, Beijing (2016); Easy Going, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen (2014); LIANG Yue: The Quiet Rooms, ShanghART H-Space, Shanghai (2013); A Lecture Upon the Shadow, Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool, U.K.(2012); Numerous, Liang Yue's Solo Exhibition, Shanghai (2011); Move on Asia, the End of Video Art, Casa Asia-Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (2011); Shanghai Candid: Women In Motion, San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery, SAN FRANCISCO, U.S.A.(2010); Essential Matters-Moving Images from China, Borusan Contemporary Perili Kosk, Istanbul, Turkey (2015); Performance and Imaginations: Photography from China 1911-2014, Museum Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway (2014); Moving Image In China : 1988-2011, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai (2011); China Power Station - Part IV, Pinacoteca Agnelli, Torino, Italy (2010).


Related Artists: LIANG YUE 梁玥

Related Exhibitions:

Liang Yue: Intermittent 03.05, 2016


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