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Art Basel in Basel 2022 | Ocula
2022-06-16 01:06

Lorenz Helbling, Founder of ShanghART, Shanghai
We wanted to create a calm and sober space for reflection, a human space, with our booth at Art Basel. It's a very simple layout and hanging of just two artists, Zhu Jia and Han Mengyun, that consists of nine paintings.

Zhu Jia's Steaming Kettle (2021) is a marvel of time travel with a surrealistic note. It features a barren interior, probably the artist's home in Beijing during the 1970s, a few pieces of furniture dating back to earlier times, an older man absorbed in a newspaper, and a younger man, (the artist today?) entering the space repeatedly.

Han Mengyun, Purity and Danger (2022). Oil and acrylic on canvas. 210 x 420 cm. Courtesy ShanghART.
Born in 1989, Han Mengyun grew up in a more cosmopolitan time and her work is influenced by many cultures. Rational, restrained and with a certain sense of design, the large triptych Purity and Danger, one of Han's word-based works, dominates the longest wall confronting the viewer in a harsh but friendly way.


Related Artists: HAN MENGYUN 韩梦云 ZHU JIA 朱加

Related Exhibitions:

Art Basel 2022:Zhu Jia & Han Mengyun 06.14, 2022


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