ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊
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香格纳北京群展《蹊径》将于6月30日与艺览北京线上单元 PLATFORM 同步开启 | ShanghART WeChat
2022-08-13 14:49

“Time forks perpetually toward innumerable futures.” In The Garden of Forking Paths, Borges describes a labyrinth made up of the contingencies of time, space and fate. Here it also seems to question, what is above all this? Maybe the imagination of artworks provides some kind of option from a particular point of view.

In Chinese, the word “path” carries a whiff of “method”, which seemingly adds a certain sense of “inevitability” to the “contingencies of fate”, and gives the “future” a splash of “light” and “hope”. This alternative path can be a way of coping with the present, while encouraging the exhibition itself to develop in a freer, more unrestricted manner.

The physical space of ShanghART Beijing will be linked to JINGART’s online platform, extending from the virtual viewing room to the actual exhibition, without a fixed duration, as the presentation and works will be free to grow over the subsequent period.



艺览北京 2022 06.30, 2022


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