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Shi Yong: I've Forgotten the Question | ShanghART × WS Gallery | ShanghART WeChat
2023-06-08 10:20

香格纳画廊荣幸宣布施勇个展"我忘记了那个问句"将于WS GALLERY無集画廊呈现,展览标题取自同名作品《我忘记了那个问句》,这句话节选自乔治·巴塔耶的著作《不可能性》。原文“我忘记了那个句子:伴随它的是一种明显的变化,好像切断联系的顿悟。”施勇将其中的“句子”改写为“问句”,为观者留下想象空间的同时,也直接指向了艺术家“干预”式的创作方式:对包括文字在内的现实生活进行语法重构。施勇像个游戏者,他以另类的角度观察生活中的日常物,以切割、重组、抹去等创作手法强制介入其原本的运行轨道,从被干预的习惯中揭露隐藏的权力现实。
ShanghART Gallery is pleased to announce that Shi Yong's solo exhibition "I’ve Forgotten the Question" will be presented at WS Gallery. The exhibition title is taken from the homonymous work I’ve Forgotten the Question, a quote from Georges Bataille’s book The Impossible. The original text reads, “I’ve forgotten the sentence: it was accompanied by a perceptible change, like a trip release cutting the ties.” Shi Yong rewrote the “sentence” into a “question”, leaving room for the viewer’s imagination while directly pointing to the artist’s “intervention” style of creation: the grammatical reconstruction of real life, including words. Shi Yong is like a game player, who observes everyday objects from an alternative perspective, forcibly intervenes in their original orbit of function by cutting, reorganizing and erasing them, and reveals the hidden reality of power in the intervened habits.

施勇_幸福 250-A(局部)_2023



The exhibition focuses on a series of works by Shi Yong, who used textual grammar, the cutting and reorganizing of objects as a creative method in the last decade. Examples include Let All Potential be Internally Resolved using Beautiful Form and Under the Rule-H, as well as a new installation, Xingfu 250-A. In particular, the exhibition presents You Can Fly Higher, a work created at the beginning of the century and a hallucinatory reality in that distant context. It has formed a meaningful contextual relationship with other works created in the last decade. It also guides the viewer into the artist's conceptual art creation full of free and resistant spirit, and is closely related to the real environment.

施勇_让所有的可能都在内部以美好的形式解决 No.4_2015
镀钛不锈钢板、织物、木质多层板、实木、霓虹灯及元器件、环氧聚酯漆、 铝条


Shi Yong: I've Forgotten the Question

出品人 | 吴滨
Producer | Ben WU  
策展方 | 無集画廊 x 香格纳画廊
Curated by | WS GALLERY x  ShanghART

开幕时间 | 2023年4月18日 15:00 - 19:00
展期 | 2023年4月19日—6月1日
周一 - 周日 11:00 - 18:00,17:30 停止入场
Time | April 19 - June 1, 2023

地点 | 上海市淮海中路1298号
Add |  No.1298 Huaihai Middle Road, Shanghai


Related Artists: SHI YONG 施勇

Related Exhibitions:

I've Forgotten the Question 04.18, 2023


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