ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

Bones, Books, Artificial Lights, and Fireflies
Installation at Parasophia
multi-channel video
Multi-channel video and site-specific sculptural installation
Two-channel HD video stereo sound; lighting, vitrine table containing two firefly specimens, two books by Jeremias Van Vliet, pieces of bone left from artist's grandmother's funeral pyre
Main screen 37 minutes 52 seconds | Loop screen 22 minutes 53 seconds
Edition of 3 + 1AP

Reality has relied on different places and times. Time in memory, time in history, time in painting, time in novel, geological time, entomological time and all means man has made also the artificial areas for specific times and also be part of it whether we thought “Nature” is already there but we all know nature by our own exiting. Without mediator time placed within its own contexts being independent and surrounded among individual and group.

By all means, the individuality finds its way to corresponded to the other times, through connection,  relationship, distances, etc., and expanded by traveling, discovering, migrating, moving, escaping, etc., the individuality has connected by languages, ADSL cable, Plane, Ships, flip flop, Satellite, binary languages, etc. This relationship operated through dancing, eating, -ism, religious, politics, economics, animistic, etc.

We are the member of society which has operated by all the significance of languages and symbolic within times and places. We are not only part of it but also making it. Crossing the line between public time and private time is part of our life. The set of realities has made and became significant to us to where we are involved. One reality lies next to another reality, thus crossing between different realities is part of our life as well. This means reality is not only different by places and time but it is also changing through places and times. Reality has made by time and places. It’s changing all the time until its forever or the end.  

Based on this idea of times in places by the individual and group, private and public, my work is based on this way of perceiving. This work based on four objects Firefly, Light, Bones, and Book that will trace to different layers of memory of individual and collective memory of the public through different protagonists.

They will project to us images to observe and trace into our relationship to of different knowledge which has been delivered by different protagonists for such Jeremias Van Vliet, Artist himself, Entomologist Dr. Agyoon Liuwanich.

Detail pictures: