ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

The Zhu Family Instructions
582(H)*684cm (in 24 pieces) | each 146*114cm

Zhu Family Instructions
In this series from 2006, Wei Guangqing uses colorful diagonal stripes and marks (extracted from bar codes) as the background upon which he places the illustrative images from the ancient book of morals titled Zhu Family Instructions. Though he uses totally different color combinations in every work, they all apparently point to the modern developing China that should pays attention to ethics, ideals, economics, and politics in the age of globalization. He thereby incorporates the ancient literature into contemporary time and context.
Zhu Family Instructions is a meritocracy about family ethics and cultures in ancient China which made people understand the standard of morality, decency and propriety. It was used by Zhu Bolu (A Chinese ancient philosopher 1627-1698) to educate his children. He taught them to content with their lot, to be diligence, thrift, to be friendly to others, and to respect the elders. He also told the ancient ideals to his children with simple words.

Detail pictures:

Related Exhibitions:
Old Scriptures, ShanghART H-Space, Shanghai 03.07, 2008 -04.08, 2008

Related Texts:
The Zhu Family Instruction TEXT 2008
Wei Guangqing Ancient Scriptures Wall text - Sun Tzu The Art of War / Zhu Family Instructions / The Book of Family Names TEXT 2008-03-04

Related Works:
The Zhu Family Instructions 19-24
The Zhu Family Instructions 1-6
The Zhu Family Instructions 7-12
The Zhu Family Instructions 13-18