ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊
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b. 1977, works and lives in Shanghai

The work captured and fixed the very moment when a few of performers fell down.

Detail pictures:

Exhibition View in UCCA Solo Exhibition 2014

Related Exhibitions:
Launching a New Era, Yuan Art Museum, Beijing 03.10, 2024 -05.31, 2024
14 Rooms, Hall 3, Messe Basel, Basel, Switzerland 06.14, 2014 -06.22, 2014
XU Zhen: A MadeIn Company Production, UCCA, Beijing 01.19, 2014 -04.20, 2014
13 Rooms, Kaldor Public Art Projects, Walsh Bay, Sydney, Australia 04.11, 2013 -04.21, 2013
Art of Change, Hayward Gallery, London, U.K. 09.05, 2012 -12.09, 2012
12 Rooms, Ruhrtriennale, Museum Folkwang, Gelsenkirchen, Deutschland 08.17, 2012 -08.26, 2012
11 Rooms, Manchester International Festival, Manchester City Galleries, U.K. 07.09, 2011 -07.17, 2011
Breaking Forecast, UCCA, Beijing 11.17, 2009 -02.28, 2010
Outsider, Long March Space, Beijing 04.30, 2005 -05.22, 2005

Related Works:
In Just a Blink of an Eye


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