ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊
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Zhang Ding: Orbit of Rock
2014-04-29 10:31

Opening : 30th April 2014, 21:30 - End
Duration : 30th April 2014 to 8th June 2014, 11:00 - 18:00 (Mon. Closed)
Address : ShanghART Beijing, 261 Cao Chang Di, Old Airport Rd., Chaoyang District.
Contact : + 86 10 6432 3202|

ShanghART Beijing is pleased to invite you attending “Orbit of Rock”, a new solo project of artist Zhang Ding, at 21:30pm of Apr. 30th 2014. Zhang Ding will magically turn ShanghART Beijing into a live concert on that occasion and bring 13 rock songs from 4 bands, listed as below:

Cowboys from Hell
Primal Concrete Sledge
Psycho Holiday

“The Black Crows”:
Stare it Cold
Rainy Day Woman

Enter Sandman
Creeping Death
Fade to Black  

Back in Black
Highway to Hell
Whole Lotta Rosie
For those about to Rock

It was a great performance in the history of rock and roll, while it will be reinterpreted on Apr. 30th, 2014.

Zhang Ding was born in 1980 in Gansu. He graduated from the North West Minority University, Oil Painting Department in 2003. He studied at the China Academy of Fine Arts, New Media Art from 2003 to 2004. He resides and works in Shanghai. Recent exhibitions include: Orbit, Zhang Ding’s Solo Project, The Armory Show, Focus Section, New York, U.S.A (2014); La Biennale de Lyon 2013, Lyon, France; Gold & Silver, Zhang Ding Solo Exhibition, Galerie Krinzinger, Austria (2013); Perspectives 180 - Unfinished Country: New Video from China, The Contemporary Art Museum in Houston, U.S.A.(2012); Buddha Jumps over the Wall, Top Contemporary Art Centre, Shanghai (2012); Opening, Zhang Ding Solo Exhibition, ShanghART H-Space, Shanghai (2011); Huge Character, Cooperation Project by Sun Xun, Tang Maohong, Zhang Ding, ShanghART Beijing, Beijing (2011); China Power Station - part 4, Pinacoteca Agnelli, Torino, Italy (2010); Shanghai Kino, KUNSTHALLE BERN, Switzerland (2009); ZhangDing, Wind, Krinzinger Projecte, Vienna, Austria (2008); China Power Station: Part II, Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norway (2007); Big City and A Lot of Ash – A Lot of Dust, BizArt Center, Shanghai (2005) and First International Biennale of Contemporary Chinese Art: MC1, Montpellier, France (2005).


Related Artists: ZHANG DING 张鼎

Related Exhibitions:

Zhang Ding: Orbit of Rock 04.30, 2014


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